The NSA Is Looking For Talent In Silicon Valley

Freedom and security: Former Facebook Chief Security Officer Max Kelly has spoken before about the need for increased sharing between social media companies and the military

Former Facebook Security Shief Is Now Working For The NSA -- Daily Mail

* Max Kelly left his post as Chief Security Officer at Facebook for the NSA in 2010, after having worked with the agency when Facebook joined Prism in 2010
* The NSA is increasing recruiting from Silicon Valley and investing in start-ups
* Facebook recently revealed the NSA made between 9,000 and 10,000 requests for information in the latter half of 2012
* It's unclear whether Kelly is directly involved in the NSA's Prism program

In a strange reversal, the man who used to be responsible for keeping our Facebook information private and secure is now working for the National Security Agency, the government agency currently under scrutiny over its information-gathering practices.

Max Kelly left Facebook in 2010, where he had been Chief Security Officer and headed for the NSA.

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My Comment: These individuals must do it for duty .... the NSA can never match the salary and compensation packages that companies like Facebook can offer.

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