I added seven books to TBR mountain this week. Most of them were Kindle books. I have somehow managed to convince myself that Kindle books don't really count as additions to my TBR mountain though because they don't take up physical space. That is how I have amassed 896 unread Kindle titles.
Anew: The Archers of Avalon by Chelsea Fine was a Kindle Daily Deal that sounded good.
Squeeze Play by Kate Angell is the first Richmond Rogues book. I am a big fan of sports romances—especially baseball. I have a print copy but wanted one for my Kindle.
I also got Sweet Spot and Ho, Humbug, Ho by Kate Angell which are also part of her Richmond Rogues series.
I got Along Came a Duke by Elizabeth Boyle and Triplet by Timothy Zahn because they were Daily Deals too.
Bad to the Bone by Jeri Smith-Ready also arrived this week. I think that means that I have all the WVMP series now.
What did you get this week?