rainy day in the Butte

It was a very rainy day in the Butte today. Steve was gone all day helping his brother with something, so it was just Riggs and I (and Tutka too, of course). We were both feeling sort of down, and I considered going for a run, but my neck is just still a little too sore. Since I injured it running I just really want to give it time to get back to normal completely before I run again.

I could tell we all needed to get outside, so despite the rain, I decided to pack up and head to the Butte for an easy climb. I figured if my neck started to hurt worse/get more tight I would just stop and go back home. But it actually felt great while I was walking/hiking up the steep hill. Even with Riggs in the Ergo on my back, it felt okay. I think it's most uncomfortable when I'm just sitting down feeling the strain/sore muscle.

I love getting out and doing stuff. It just feels so good to feel your muscles working and your lungs burning and your heart pumping so hard in your chest. It was so green, so much different than last time we were up there. With the rain, all of the trees and grass and flowers were so fragrant and it was just the perfect place to be for me. Because of the rain there weren't any other people there, and all I could hear was the soft rain, birds chirping here and there, Tutka's paws pounding the muddy trail, and my own labored breathing. A little slice of heaven on Earth, I think.

We actually didn't go all the way to the top because I wanted to let Riggs have a chance to get out and play a little bit. We stopped at the last grassy 'plateau' before the final steep portion up to the top, and Riggs got out of the Ergo and toddled/crawled around getting dirty and licking the rain on the leaves (he's so silly). It was a great way for him to use up that last little bit of energy before dinner, bath and bed.

I love days just get better and better! Hope your Sunday was nice, despite the rain!

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