Innovative papers to fundamentally change policy on water resources, environmental policy. 22 institutions, top universities of Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden, France, Germany: change needed. The arguments for the change: a series of scientific publications including: Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in water purification;
Involved: universities of great scientists, including Nobel Laureates: Uppsala University, Ghent University, Universite catholique de Louvain, K U Leuven, Universite libre de Bruxelles, University of Antwerp, Maastricht University, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, and others.
Involved: universities of great scientists, including Nobel Laureates: Uppsala University, Ghent University, Universite catholique de Louvain, K U Leuven, Universite libre de Bruxelles, University of Antwerp, Maastricht University, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, and others.
Tags: policy, water, resources, management, environmental, institutions, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden, France, Germany, change,
dramatic #change #policy #water #resources #environment. universities #Belgium #Netherlands Sweden #France #Germany
dramatique #politique #changer #l'eau #ressources #environnement #universités #Belgique #Pays-Bas Suède #France #Allemagne
dramatischen #ändern #policy #Wasser #Ressourcen #Umwelt. Universitäten # Belgien #Niederlande Schweden #Frankreich #Deutschland
dramatische #veranderen #politiek #water #resources #milieu. universiteiten #België #Nederland Zweden #Frankrijk #Duitsland
dramatic #change #policy #water #resources #environment. universities #Belgium #Netherlands Sweden #France #Germany
dramatique #politique #changer #l'eau #ressources #environnement #universités #Belgique #Pays-Bas Suède #France #Allemagne
dramatischen #ändern #policy #Wasser #Ressourcen #Umwelt. Universitäten # Belgien #Niederlande Schweden #Frankreich #Deutschland
dramatische #veranderen #politiek #water #resources #milieu. universiteiten #België #Nederland Zweden #Frankrijk #Duitsland