Expect More NSA Spying Revelations In The Days And Weeks To Come

Expect More NSA Spying Revelations -- Happening Now/FOX News

Expect more dramatic revelations in the NSA wiretapping story. That's from the journalist who broke the story, Glenn Greenwald, of the Guardian Newspaper in Britain. He says the American defense contractor, Edward Snowden, provided him with many more documents he hasn't written about yet. Greenwald was the first to report the National Security Agency has access to every Americans' personal email and phone records.

For his part, Snowden has checked out of a Hong Kong hotel room where he'd been holed up, and his current location is unknown. The Justice Department is in the process of determining if Snowden will face criminal charges and potentially extradition from wherever he is right now.

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Update #1: Journalist who wrote of NSA spying: More stories to come -- CBS/AP
Update #2: Greenwald Says ‘There’s A Lot More Coming,’ Argues NSA Revelations Don’t Harm Security -- TPM
Update #3: NSA leak journalist says more revelations on their way -- CNN

My Comment: I have no reason to not believe in Glenn Greenwald's comments that he has access to even more info and intel. Expect a drip - drip of news for the next few weeks.

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