Black Box Catches Last Words Of Pilot In Disastrous Afghanistan Cargo Plane Crash

Black Box Catches Telling Words Of Pilot In Disastrous Afghanistan Plane Crash -- Business Insider

The black box captured the pilot’s final words, seconds before the cargo jet fell out of the sky. They were believed to have been “wait, wait.”

There's speculation though — following the discovery of broken cargo straps in the wreckage — that what he may have said was “weight, weight.”

The Boeing 747 cargo jet that exploded earlier this year at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, likely crashed as a result of shifting weight inside the cargo bay, according to a joint investigation by the U.S. and Afghanistan.

The investigation included the recovery of the black box, and the pilot's last words.

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My Comment: I would wager that all pilots of transport planes flying out of Afghanistan are now checking if their cargo has been properly secured.

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