I very nearly went for the delicious Deirdre Barlow as my heroine mainly due to the touch of comedy she brought to the episodes this week. Yes, Deirdre was back in the kitchen attempting coq au vin (from scratch) and passing off Freshco's "Best" chocolate cake as her own. She was rumbled by Carla who quite clearly smokes her own salmon above the Bookies. It was great to see Deirdre sharing scenes away from Tracy-luv - her support for Eileen was great this week.

Anyway, in the end I went for David Platt as my hero of the week. Clearly impending fatherhood is the making of Demon David. He has proved to be a great step-dad to Max and quite obviously dotes on Kylie. This week we saw him man up and take on Kylie's shifts at the Bistro while also taking time to go and buy a cot in preparation for the new arrival. I reckon we should enjoy this new improved placid David as he is sure to hit the roof when the truth is revealed about Nick and his dutiful wife. I just wish he would cut the apron strings and move his young family out from under Ivy Tilsley Mark II's feet!
So now to my villain of the week. Rob Donovan. No contest really. Rob irritates the hell out of me every time he appears on my screen. I really expected more from a character created to play alongside the fabulous Carla Connor. Sorry, but as far as I'm concerned Rob is just plain awful! His is a character we've seen replicated many times before - Joe Carter, Luke Strong, Liam Connor...the list goes on. He is not fit to follow in the footsteps of Mike Baldwin and I hope Peter Barlow soon sees him off.

So that's all from me, now it's over to you. Let's have your hero(ine) and villain(ess) from the past week in Coronation Street!
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