running: fourth week of May

Lots of sun this week during my runs. I love it! I went four times this week and managed to increase my mileage by two miles again (15.29 verses like 13.5 from last week). This was my last week of 'training' since the Twilight 12k is this Friday, May 31st. I'll just be doing a few easy jogs this week before the race. After the race I'll probably take a two or three day break and then start training in earnest to be in good enough shape for the Skinny Raven Half Marathon on August 18th.

Riggs is such a trooper during my runs, I'm so thankful that he doesn't mind being stuck in the stroller for 30-50 min every other day! I usually plan the time I run so that he doesn't sneak in a nap, then when I'm done running I stretch out in the front yard and then go on a walk with him and Tutka down the street so that he gets some exercise too.

It's very rare that he gets fussy in the stroller and so far he's never cried/thrown a fit - I just have to keep moving, which is obviously easy to do when you're running ;) It's when I stop at the Green Store to grab a Rockstar Recovery that he usually reaches his little arms up to me and and says, "mama?" So cute! I love his little arms reaching up!

Whenever I run on the bike trail next to the Old Glenn there's a spot I always run by that I think I should stop and take a picture of, and I finally did last week. It's this swampy area with all these old tree trunks and I just wonder what made it that way since it's surrounded by woods on every side. It's so pretty a little later in the summer when everything's green and there's often a moose or two out wading through the murky water, especially earlier in the morning.

Anyway, I'm happy with how my running/training has been going. I had kind of hoped to do at least one 7 mile run before the 12k race (this Friday) but the most I ended up doing was 5.5. Time just sort of got away from me. I'm not too worried about it though, I'm sure it will go fine. I'm just excited at this point, I love races! The energy and the cheering at the end is just so fun and motivating.

What's your favorite part about doing community/road races? And if you've never done one, would you consider it? You totally should - they are so much fun!

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