Has yet another government-run child abuse ring been discovered?

In the UK, the Oxford Sex Ring 'groomed, corrupted, brainwashed and abused and then sold for sex and worse' a group of at least 50 young girls, aged 11 - 15.

The girls were sold to customers around the UK.

Did the police deliberately miss chances to halt the sex gang

On 14 May 2013, seven men were found guilty of running the Oxford child abuse ring over a period of eight years.

A room at a guest house where girls were raped. A 999 call to the police described a woman being beaten in the guest house, but apparently no action was taken by the authorities.

The abused young girls lived in care homes run by the local government.

Carers at the children’s homes, run by Oxfordshire County Council, "just watched as the men collected the girls at night."

Nine social workers in Oxford knew that girls were being groomed.

The only person to be sacked is one member of the staff of one home.

The young female victims repeatedly told the police that they had been raped – but no action was taken.

Nanford Guest House - 'girl brothel'.

There have been cases where the police have reportedly been part of the child abuse rings.

Recently it was reported that the police have abandoned their probe into Sir Cyril Smith's sexual abuse of boys

Elm Guest House in London.

Sir Cyril Smith was reportedly a visitor to the Elm Guest House, which was reportedly used by the security service MI5 as a boy brothel.

Sir Cyril Smith - protected by MI5?

A government minister and certain police officers are reported to have visited Elm Guest House.

In 2008, the government decided to close down Britains's largest human trafficking police unit just a year after it was set up. www.independent.co.uk

Some of the abusers. Many Moslems work for the security services.

Anjum Dogar, 31, and Akhtar Dogar, 32, both of Oxford were described as 'significant organisers of sex parties both in Oxford and neighbouring towns.'

Men would travel to Oxford from places including Bradford, Leeds, London and Slough to have sex with the Oxford girls.

Sometimes the girls were taken outside Oxford for sex.

One 12-year-old victim told police she had been sexually assaulted.

The following year three other victims told police that they had been raped.

One girl told the police she she had been sexually abused by Akhtar Dogar.

She told police that she knew other girls were being abused because ‘I have seen them doing it to little girls in their uniforms’.

Dogar was interviewed by the police but released without charge.

Police let him go despite the fact he had been caught with the same victim days earlier.

Two months later, another victim was spotted by a police officer running from a room in a guest house wearing only a towel after being beaten and raped.

The 14-year-old told the police that the gang had raped her, injected her with drugs, beat her and urinated over her.

No charges were brought against the gang.

In the same year another girl told police that several men had sex with her at a flat in Oxford.

One of the victims described how she was even threatened with arrest for wasting police time when she tried to report the abuse.

The notorious Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has said said it will look again at the decision to take no further action over the allegations of abuse involving the girls from 2005 to 2006.

The chief crown prosecutor for Thames and Chiltern is Baljit Ubhey.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.

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