New MIA-Vietnam Documentary "Unclaimed" Has The Wrong Man

Johns Hartley Robertson. Movie Unclaimed

The Man Who Claims To Be Lost US Vietnam Vet John Hartley Robertson 'Is A Fraud' -- Business Insider

The subject of the new documentary "Unclaimed" purports to be U.S. soldier John Hartley Robertson, who was lost over Vietnam more than 44 years ago. But damning evidence suggests the man, actually a Vietnamese citizen named Dang Than Ngoc, has been lying about his identity for years.

That evidence includes FBI fingerprint analysis, a recorded admission several years ago by Ngoc, and DNA testing.

In "Unclaimed," Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Michael Jorgensen follows Vietnam veteran Tom Faunce into the depths of Vietnam to meet the man Faunce claims to be Sergeant First Class (SFC) John Hartley Robertson. A U.S. Army Special Forces soldier lost in 1968 when his helicopter came under heavy fire and crashed in the tropical southeast Asian jungle.

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Previous Post: U.S. Army Veteran 'Is Found Living In Vietnam Village 44 YEARS After Being Declared MIA

WNU Editor: Hat Tip to XBradTC for notifying me of this fraud. My sympathies are with the Robertson family and the false hope that this story gave them.

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