Nate Opp & 11,300 Climb

AMS Guide Nate Opp and climber Brent flew out to climb 11,300 peak this morning.  They flew to the Ruth Glacier,  they were hoping that conditions would be favorable for their pilot to a land them on the West Fork, at the base of the route.

This will climb has an elevation gain of 4,100 ft of mixed climbing and varied alpine terrain.  The route can take 3 - 4 days to complete and will provide them a full Alaska style alpine climbing challenge.  

You must be super fit and fully committed to embark on this climb, and this team is ready!

We are very happy to welcome Brent back to AMS for his second Alaska Range alpine climb of 2013. We look forward to hearing all about their climb on their return.

Guide Nate Opp and Brent

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