May 23, 2013 - Labour Day in Jamaica

Along with most Labor Days (Labour with a “U” is a British spelling, also used in Jamaica!), Jamaica's Labour Day is meant to honor workers. I would think it would therefore be a day for workers to rest, relax, enjoy their families and the sun and perhaps a giant glass of lemonade.

However, apparently many Jamaicans celebrate the day by volunteering—in other words, working hard on behalf of others, or the country as a whole—instead of by relaxing! People work on roads, clear land, repair or paint homes of elderly people, build or fix up houses, schools, community centers! Since 1989, the government has suggested themes to assist Jamaicans in finding projects worth doing.

This year's theme is “Lend a Hand...Build Our Land.” One of the big-scale projects for the day is fixing up a home for more than 80 mentally and physically challenged people.
St. Mary's Infirmary is the
national fix-it project this year.

Isn't that an amazing twist on Labor Day? So much more worthwhile than sitting around a TV set, guzzling soda and munching on chips!

Learn about Jamaica...
  • Or see Jamaica through “cool kids'” eyes. 

Plan Ahead...

Check out my Pinterest boards of June holidayshistorical anniversaries in June, and June birthdays.

Also, for the rest of May: May holidays, historical events in May, and May birthdays.

Also on this date:

Anniversary of the invention of the accordion

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