Turkey's 'secretly Jewish' prime minister, Recep Erdogan, is in trouble.

In Turkey, there have been anti-Erdogan protests, for three days in a row, in the town hit by two car bombs.

Many people blame Erdogan, and his Mossad allies, for organising the blasts as part of a false flag operation.

Erdogan's friends. TURKEY'S ERDOGAN IS JEWISH. The Erdogan family secretly does business with Israel. Erdogan's Son Does Business With Israel...

According to the Associated Press on 13 May 2013:

"Some Turks accused their leader of putting the nation's security at risk by backing the rebels fighting Syria's government."

Turkey's Syria policies are criticized as Erdogan prepares to meet with Obama

President Assad is popular throughout most of Syria.

Currently he is winning the war.

The Syrian rebels, who are gangsters working for Mossad and the CIA, are much hated.

Syrians losing patience, confidence in revolution - USA Today

The Syrians do not want Syria to become a series of small gangster states, which would, like Saudi Arabia and Kosova, be corrupt colonies of the USA and Israel.

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