The decided in January 2013 by the Federal coordination of local collectives Alternative
libertarian campaign will be an opportunity to present, where we are located, are the
strategic areas that we defend. ---- Insecurity and mass unemployment are rising
everywhere. In this context, many people dive into social misery increasingly violent and
alienating. Resulting resignation and withdrawal galloping whose extreme right and the
demagogues in service benefit employers to defend their ideas. ---- Strengthen solidarity
and struggles ---- A priority for the revolutionaries is undoubtedly the reconstruction of
class solidarity, without which it is impossible to point to a horizon other than
capitalism. This requires the strengthening of democratic control tools (trade unions and
collective), but also by actions of concrete solidarity to certain situations of
precariousness (evictions, cuts gas or electricity, etc..).
Strengthen the struggles and solidarity is rebuilding class consciousness against the
capitalist scroll compressor. It is also pave the way for another company.
Defend another social project
The Greek example shows: the mass strikes, struggles, riots, violent as they are, are not
sufficient to overthrow capitalism and establish a new society. This requires a social
transformation project emerges from social struggles. This project should not be an
abstract utopia, but must be embodied in a number of practices, experiments through which
the embryos must build a genuine popular power. Power to the people, for AL is the self.
The self fairs to be held in Paris and Toulouse from late April are opportunities to
defend the self-management perspective as a possible way to another company.
Strengthening Alternative libertarian
In most cities where AL is present, we will hold public meetings to defend our ideas. For
supporters and sympathizers, readers or readers of AL is the opportunity to meet to
discuss and debate our discourse and practices. But it is also an opportunity to join us
and participate in the construction and building in France, a libertarian communist
current with a mass audience.
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» (en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL #227 - Round of public meetings in April and May (fr)