Coronation Street double episode review, Monday 6 May

Money takes centre stage tonight, or rather the lack of it. In Dev's shop Gary looks at his bank balance and declares, 'This is unreal,' as he has had no wages for three weeks.Stella's timely arrival in the shop brings out Gary's understandable anger and aggression.'OK Gary?' Stella asks. 'Do I look OK?' Stella replies that she didn't realise. Gary asks what didn't she realise? 'That we're killing ourselves or that we're doing it for nothing?'

Stella then launches into a tirade of her own bad luck. Stella with Karl goes to tell Owen that the insurance money is not paying up.Karl and Owen square up to each other and Owen looks for all the world like he'll wield the crowbar, which he does, but into the wall. Alpha male clash! Karl has the audacity and guts to call Owen a coward. Staying in the jungle, in comes Anna, defending her partner and her cub. Will Owen accept Stella's offer. Money is at the root of it all.

Kylie is a perfectly healthy young woman half way through her pregnancy and having David fussing around her must be very annoying. When she feels the baby kicking, David invites Nick to feel Kylie's bump to detect the baby kicking. Hmmm. Very awkward for both Nick and Kylie.But David, come on! Talking to Marcus in the bistro, David is asking about a birthing pool. He states that he's not sure how he feels about another man touching his wife's bits and pieces  - even a gay one.Dear oh dear, David.  Then there's Gary with Tina too - though that 'concern' has an ulterior motive. Does Tina realise it? Maybe as she extols the virtues of being single, including deciding what to watch  on TV, making your own meal choices and having a bed to yourself. 'Believe me' she says, 'Couples? Overrated.'  Maybe Tina, but Izzy is getting anxious and that with reason. It is possible that Gary will make a determined play for Tina but it seems clear that Tina would not in the least  be interested - as she said tonight, they're mates.

The Sylvia story is intriguing, beginning with Hayley stating that Sylvia is having a wardrobe crisis. On his return Roy, who is evermore endearing, has enjoyed his medieval almshouses of Lancashire and still has the Staffordshire steam trains to look forward to.

Stella has become gradually more dependent on him since he rescued her, which is understandable. But we know, we just know, that at some point the whole truth will out because this is soapland and retribution will be ours. It's good stuff though, the longer the writers draw it out the more tense and explosive it will be. On their wedding day perhaps? Will it be Leanne who discovers the truth? Speculation abounds, but it should be good.    

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