“E agora, meus amados irmãos, e também judeus e todos vós, confins da Terra, dai ouvidos a estas palavras e acreditai em Cristo; e se não acreditardes nestas palavras, acreditai em Cristo. E se acreditardes em Cristo, acreditareis nestas palavras, porque são as palavras de Cristo e ele deu-as a mim; e elas ensinam a todos os homens que devem fazer o bem.” 2 Nephi 33:10
Man, I love conference. It is a time to listen to the words of prophets, apostles and leaders of the church. We must believe in their words because Christ our Savior and King inspired them with these valuable teachings. These teachings will influences us to good. I love the counsel of Job: “Hear diligently my speech and my declaration with your ears.” I tried my best to diligently hear my leaders and seek personal inspirations. What an inspiring conference! As I raised my right arm to sustain Russell M. Nelson as a prophet, seer and revelator, an overwhelming feeling filled by body, a feeling of surety, peace and warmth that the Lord has once again called a living prophet. How great my joy was in that historic moment. The immense changes and inspiring talks showed me of the Savior’s love and awareness of current times and our current needs to hasten this work. Here were some of my favorite take aways:
I loved Larry Echo Hawk’s remarks on forgiveness. As he spoke, I learned that as we forgive and are forgiven, we are spiritually strengthened. Lynn G. Robbins complemented these thoughts showing that mistakes are a part of life. We can’t have fear of being wrong or of our weaknesses but we must confront them, learn, and grow. The Savior will always permit second chances. David A. Bednar helped me better understand the importance of being meek. Those who are meek will inherit the Lord’s kingdom. I loved Taylor Godoy’s talk on daily sacrifice. It was my favorite. Sacrifice brings blessings and creates success in our lives. We must fill our days with sacrifice to become the Lord’s disciples. Dale G. Renlund showed me the incredible importance of temple work and family history. I had no idea that there are so many blessings promised to those who make temple work/family history part of their lives. Larry Y. Wilson’s remarks on the importance of being guided and directioned by the Holy Ghost helped me realize the importance and need to be obedient and to recognize these inspirations. Henry B. Eyring complemented by adding that we must be desirous to have the Holy Ghost constantly in our lives. Dallin H. Oaks’ talk on salvation through small and simple things was a masterpiece. I loved his example of many little drops versus dumping a bucket of water. We must give value to all our decisions small or big. Pres. Nelson’s talk on the importance of seeking and receiving personal revelations strengthened by testimony on constantly seeking and following inspiration given from the Holy Ghost. Like the prophet said the heavens are open. God will speak to us. I loved Elder Uchtdorf’s talk on beholding Christ! We must celebrate life, gain our own testimonies of the man of all men, behold the Savior, and become disciples of him. If we do so, eternal life will be gained. Overall, I’m extremely grateful to hear our leaders inspiring words. I feel ever more that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true church of Christ on this earth!
Love you all, Elder Bodine
Singin in the rain grafitti |
Easter bunnies |
Zone t-shirt |
Boonies de Caxias |
Me and the misson leader of Caxias |
Milk shake |
michael phelps dave |
Me and my buddy the hulk |