Book: Archives and archival documents in ancient societies

Archives and archival documents in ancient societies
Title: Archives and archival documents in ancient societies: Legal documents in ancient societies IV, Trieste 30 September - 1 October 2011
Authors: Faraguna, Michele
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste
Citation: Michele Faraguna (edited by), "Archives and archival documents in ancient societies: Legal documents in ancient societies IV, Trieste 30 September - 1 October 2011", Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2013
Abstract: This book, part of a series aiming to investigate the legal systems of ancient societies through a document-based, comparative approach, focuses on the study of archives and archival records and their interplay with the workings of administrative and political systems. The papers are arranged in four sections dealing with the Ancient Near East, Classical Greece, the Persian Tradition and the Hellenistic World, and the Roman Empire. The themes touched upon chronologically span from the early second millennium B.C. to the late Roman Empire and geographically range from Mesopotamia to the Western Mediterranean. The archives considered, public and private, are conspicuous for their variety and reflect diverse archival concepts and traditions but a number of common patterns also emerge in respect to their physical organization, to the classification of texts, the function of record-keeping and the role of seals. We are entitled to speak of a recurring ‘archival behaviour’.
ISBN: 978-88-8303-460-2
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Michele Faraguna

Dennis Kehoe
Archives and Archival Documents in Ancient Societies: Introduction

Ancient Near East
Sophie Démare-Lafont
Zero and Infinity: the Archives in Mesopotamia

Klaas R. Veenhof
The Archives of Old Assyrian Traders: their Nature, Functions and Use

Antoine JacquetFamily Archives in Mesopotamia during the Old Babylonian Period
Susanne Paulus
The Limits of Middle Babylonian Archives

Classical Greece
Christophe Pébarthe
Les archives de la cité de raison. Démocratie athénienne et pratiques documentaires à l’époque classique

Shimon Epstein
Attic Building Accounts from Euthynae to Stelae

Edward M. Harris
The Plaint in Athenian Law and Legal Procedure

Michele Faraguna
Archives in Classical Greece: Some Observations

The Persian Tradition and the Hellenistic World
Ingo Kottsieper
Aramäische Archive aus achämenidischer Zeit und ihre Funktion
Laura Boffo
La ‘presenza’ dei re negli archivi delle poleis ellenistiche

Lucia Criscuolo
Copie, malacopie, copie d'ufficio e il problema della titolarità di un archivio nell’Egitto tolemaico

Mark Depauw
Reflections on Reconstructing Private and Official Archives The Roman Empire

Éva Jakab
Introduction: Archives in the Roman Empire

Kaja Harter-Uibopuu
Epigraphische Quellen zum Archivwesen in den griechischen Poleis des ausgehenden Hellenismus und der Kaiserzeit

Thomas Kruse
Bevölkerungskontrolle, Statuszugang und Archivpraxis im römischen Ägypten

Rudolf Haensch
Die Statthalterarchive der Spätantike

Uri Yiftach-Firanko Conclusions
Index locorum

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