Wall Street's Manchurian Candidate

History will neither forgive nor forget Obama for not reforming Wall Street. 
It's the only thing he had to do...

This past week they opened the George W. Bush presidential library. One hack I heard on the radio said that GWB created 8 million jobs during his presidency. That's right - he did create 8 million McJobs. And then at the very end of his presidency, there was this big crash and 9 million jobs were lost. So let's see, 8 - 9 = -1.  Looks like he lost some of Clinton's jobs too...

But since GWB is no longer POTUS, it would be unfair not to mention Obama's "accomplishments" as well. Because no matter what else he does, history will neither forgive nor forget Obama for not reforming Wall Street after the Bush fiasco. At the end of eight years, Obama will just tear off his mask and reveal that he was George W. Bush all along - "surprise motherfuckers!".

Adding to the charade, the lamestream media and ultra-buffoons in Congress pretend as though there actually is any difference between the policies of these two presidents. It's a fun parlour game for an aging generation that has nothing better to do than sit around and talk endlessly about nothing. And there is nothing quite as cynical as debating the difference between two presidents when there is no substantive difference, because the political establishment will allow no difference.

Then there are those who say that Obama is different because he implemented universal health care aka. "Obamacare". First off, GWB, introduced his own massively complex, profligate and industry-sponsored health care legislation of his own - the "Prescription Drug Act". It was a similarly bloated and unaffordable piece of legislation, meant to fatten the prescription drug industry and bankrupt the next several generations.

American-style "Socialism"
Let's check in and see how these two "socialized" industries are faring. One would think that the takeover and control by government must have really put a damper on profits. 

Below is a chart of the healthcare sector since Obama took office (blue/red line) - significantly outperforming the overall market (black line). 

And here are pharmaceuticals which have done even better under Obama:

"Surprise motherfuckers !"

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