Pancho Villa State Park is actually in the Village of Columbus. There's a lot of history here.
Katie and I walked into town yesterday - I wanted to use the wireless at the library to update some apps on my phone, but the library closes at 1:00 on Saturday and we got there at 2:00, so we'll have to go back. Maybe tomorrow. I shot a few photos while we walked around. It's a very small town with a couple of restaurants, a library, post office, hardware store, grocery, lounge, police department, etc. As their website says, the town is "largely undeveloped." All the necessary things for a town, but not much more. The town was very quiet, no traffic, and I didn't see anyone walking around.
I took a few photos as we were walking to the library. The following were taken at the old train station which is across the street from the State Park; we walked around it and found some interesting things:
Next to the old station is this little caboose:
And in the back was an old fire "engine." It looked really old:
And here's an old gas pump, it it was about half as tall as our current pumps:
The rail road crossing sign at the corner:
And finally, an old cart with some really old suitcases that were very cool. They reminded me of the suitcase/storage I have in The Palms:
Here's a picture of my site, which is one of the three "slots" in this area that is part of the overflow parking. Two or three rigs could fit into each slot, but there are only two of us here in this area so we have lots of room and privacy. I was told I could also park my motor home anywhere along the outer fencing where there are no utilities.
There are cactus gardens all through the park. It seems like there would be a lot of work involved keeping all the gardens looking nice. Unfortunately a couple of years ago there was a really bad freeze and it killed many trees and cactus. Some of the cactus are coming back and growing up through the dead ones. In a few years, it should be beautiful again.
Here's one of our beautiful sunsets:
From Me and Katie, have a great evening, everyone! :)