US President Barack Obama walks with Jordan's King Abdullah II to a ceremony in Amman, March 22, 2013. (photo by REUTERS/Larry Downing)
Syria Accuses Jordan Of Hosting Rebel Training Camps -- L.A. Times
BEIRUT -- A Syrian government newspaper accused Jordan of hosting training camps for opposition fighters and warned its neighbor that it was risking getting entangled in Syria’s 2-year-old conflict.
The rebuke printed in an editorial on the front page of state-run al Thawra newspaper follows recent U.S. and British media reports that describe Jordan as providing a place for rebels to be trained with American support. Jordan has denied the existence of such training camps.
One aim of the alleged training is to create a buffer on Jordan’s border that could host fighters and help handle the flow of refugees. More than 1.2 million Syrians have fled their homeland since the start of the uprising against President Bashar Assad. More than 400,000 Syrian refugees are in Jordan.
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More News On Growing Tensions Between Syria And Jordan
Jordan’s assistance to rebels ratchets up tensions with Syria -- Washington Post/AP
Syria slams Jordan for hosting U.S.-backed rebel training -- Haaretz/AP
Jordan and US step up training of Syrian rebels: 3000 officers could be deployed at end of April -- Al Bawaba
U.S., Jordan step up Syrian rebel training -- UPI
U.S., Jordan stepping up training of Syrian opposition -- Washington Post
Jordan Snared in Syrian Crisis -- Jean-Loup Samaan, Al-Monitor.
My Comment: The Syrian government may be pointing one finger at the Jordanians .... but other groups are pointing three fingers at the Syrian government and what they are now doing.