Sneak preview of tonight's double Corrie - Monday 8 April

Coronation Street, Monday 8th April 2013at 7.30pm
EILEEN BETRAYS PAUL’S TRUST. When Paul tells Eileen that he’s returning to work tomorrow she’s deeply concerned and confides in Julie that she’s going to speak to his boss. Julie’s disapproving but reluctantly agrees to drive her to the fire station. Eileen heads inside but when Julie spots Paul arriving will she be able to warn Eileen in time or is her duplicity about to be uncovered?
KARL’S DEMONS DRIVE HIM FROM WEATHERFIELD. Convinced that the net is slowly closing in on him, Karl makes plans to do a runner and go and stay with a mate. Meanwhile the police give Dev the results of Sunita’s post mortem; she died from smoke inhalation and more than likely, pulled out her own ventilator tube. Will Dev accept this?
KEN PUTS ON A SPECTACLE FOR DEIRDRE. Deirdre wishes Ken a happy anniversary and hands him a card. Ken’s clearly forgotten but tries to cover by hastily organising a dinner party with Tracy, Peter, Carla and Rob.
Elsewhere Carla and Rob apologise to Fiz for the way she was treated and offer her her old job
back. Tim sees Dev’s advert for the flat above the shop and tells Sophie he’s interested.

Monday 8th April 2013 at 8.30pm
EILEEN AND PAUL’S RELATIONSHIP IMPLODES. Paul’s furious that Eileen’s gone behind his back and told his boss he’s not ready to return to work. Eileen admits she’s scared stiff of his returning and that since the Rovers fire she has constant nightmares that he might die because of his job. Paul explains to Eileen how fire-fighting is his life and he can’t give it up. Will Eileen accept it or is their relationship over?
STELLA BEGS KARL TO STAY. As Stella calls to see Dev, offering hers and Karl’s support, Karl hastily packs his bags. Back at no.13 Stella finds Karl making his escape. Cornered he tells her he didn’t want to outstay his welcome. Stella urges him not to go but with the investigation into the fire continuing will Karl decide it’s time to leave Weatherfield? Meanwhile Dev talks to the twins about their mum’s funeral.
ROB’S THE LIFE AND SOUL OF THE PARTY. At the anniversary party, Rob flirts with Deirdre who’s in her element. But when he insists they all try his home-made punch, how will an uncomfortable Peter react?
Elsewhere Faye’s thrilled when Tim reveals he’s moving into the corner shop flat but how will Anna respond? Hayley, Izzy and Beth apologise to Fiz for the way they treated her. Will Fiz agree to return to her old job?

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