“It was really easy for me to find this evidence, really easy,” said Alex, who called in to Limbaugh's show Thursday from Wilmington , Ind. “I believe the reason that the liberals do not have the evidence is because they do not want the evidence, they do not want to hear that it is wrong.”
The Hill reports after Alex told Limbaugh that he went to the local library, Limbaugh replied: “I am surprised you find evidence of this at a library. That is heartening.”
Limbaugh told Alex that if his parents agreed, he would send him an iPad.
“If there is anybody who would put one of those things to good use, that would be you, and it is light, it is portable, you can take it anywhere you want to go,” Limbaugh said. After getting permission, noted he was sending the device.
“I guarantee you there are people who heard that call that want to find out where that library is that he found evidence of the hoax of global warming, so they can tell the authorities about it,” Limbaugh told his listeners after talking with Alex.