Nature: Declan Butler On The H7N9 Virus Sequences



Site of recent H7N9 infections

# 7054



Declan Butler, writing for the Journal Nature, has commentary and opinions on the H7N9 virus from a pair of heavy hitters in the world of virology; Malik Peiris & Masato Tashiro.


Too good to synopsize, so I’ll just step aside and invite you to read:



Nature | Breaking News

Novel deadly bird flu virus kills two in China.

Declan Butler

02 April 2013


Scientists worldwide are racing to assess the pandemic potential of an H7N9 flu virus that has killed at least two people in China.


Scientists and public health officials worldwide are on alert after China announced on Easter Sunday that two people had died and a third had been seriously sickened from infections with a new avian flu virus, H7N9, that has never been seen before in humans.


The emerging, if preliminary, analyses of the viruses' genomes point to the possible spectre of a pathogen that might spread silently in poultry without causing serious disease. That would make the virus difficult to monitor even as it causes serious disease in humans.

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