Leanne Batt-Til-Barlowsby - paragon of virtue?

When social historians sit down to evaluate the life of the lovely Leanne, as surely they will, how will they consider her life? The People's Prozzie? Queen of Tarts? Hopefully not but, in keeping with seemingly every other woman on the cobbles, Leanne is now morphing into someone else.

For a while it looked as though a new Leanne was emerging from the ruins of the old one. That somewhat nasty, calculating piece of work had developed into a slightly harassed but dedicated mum to young (scary) Simon. She was a wronged woman who was trying to do her best.

How times change. Leanne has now clambered up to her very own special place on the peak of the moral high ground. Last Friday saw her crowing like a demented harridan, cawing with delight as everyone's favourite drunks thrashed around in their car-crash of a relationship. There was a slight wave of sympathy extending to Leanne as she surveyed her former home, possibly the Street's most unpleasant flat, having undergone some kind of seventies porn flick make-under. Well that's Carla for you - more money than taste.

The return of 'embittered witch' Leanne doesn't make for particular edifying viewing.  We probably realise that she is drowning in a loveless marriage and that puts her in a vulnerable position. Realistically, a happy, mumsy Leanne would hardly be a great draw in an on-going drama. It would have been good though to finally see her a little more emotionally settled. As of yet, she has not reached the sanctimonious heights of Rita but the prospect of seeing Leanne screeching from the side lines forever and a day is not a good one. Leanne's past is, to say the least, chequered yet she conveniently forgets her call-girl, drug-addict, arsonist years. Her experiences should have mellowed her, maybe reigned her in a little.

Do we want to see Leanne as a more settled character or do we relish the opportunity of seeing her come out fighting yet again?

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