A vaguely unpleasant thought crossed over me late last night as I tried to get to sleep. When I tell you what it is you'll all be advising me to switch my hot milk before bedtime for something a whole lot stronger.
Last night we watched as poor Sunita departed to the great Weatherfield in the sky. Actually, imagine that - a big Weatherfield heaven full of all the old faces. Anyway I digress. My immediate thought was who would provide Devendra with the much needed comfort he'll rely on to get through these difficult times.
Like a fag-scented boomerang bashing him in the face, one image appeared in my night terrors. The manchester tart herself, Deirdre Hunt Langton Barlow Rachid Barlow.
Now these two do have past form (I know we've all used that big bottle of collective mind bleach on those scenes) but the question is, would the powers that be put us through that again?

Now I'm not saying a fumble with the Corner Shop King would solve this issue, but at least it would turn the spotlight on Deirdre for a change. Also, wouldn't it be lovely for Deirdre to be the one shocking Tracy instead of it always being the other way round?
I don't know - I'm firmly on the fence on this one. One minute the idea completely repulses me, the next I think it would be a great way to shake things up a bit.
What do you think?
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