Students Leading – Let’s Listen!
Student Voice Summit is in New York this Saturday. You can participate. Here's some more information from my friend Anne Ostholthoff, host of the Ignite Show. "Listening: This Saturday, April 13 in NYC, the first-ever Student Voice Summit happens. It is presented LIVE and sponsored by Dell and hosted by Microsoft in their NYC Office. You can be there – no matter where you are via Livestream: http://new.livestream.com/Dell/stuvoicelive . Also, be sure to follow these students via the #StuVoice hashtag on Twitter @stu_voice and http://www.stuvoice.org/ Here the hope is for a meaningful exchange between stakeholders in the education policy debate"
globalcollaboration - Flat Classroom Workshop 2013
If you're heading to ISTE and you're ready to collaborate globally, Julie Lindsay, Flat Classroom cofounder will be hosting a Flat Classroom workshop at the International School of San Diego on June 20-21 - here's the information. "Julie Lindsay, co-founder and Director of Flat Classroom, award winning global collaborative projects, and Flat Classroom Conference and Live Events Inc. unique collaborative live events for teachers and students, announces the June 20 & 21, 2-day 'Flat Classroom Workshop - Seven Steps to Global Collaboration'. Educators who want to transform their learning and embrace global collaboration in their curriculum are invited to join Julie for a unique professional development experience at International School of the Americas in San Antonio, Texas."
I really love Nozbe. This tip lets you create a nozbe task using ifttt and email. Make sure you use the * in the body of the email to create the task. They weren't showing up for me, it was because I didn't do that.
John Langley, teacher, keynoted our Flat Classroom and NetGen projects talking about collaboration and how it should extend from entertainment into schools. If you want to see how a "keynote" works asychronously, this is the format we use. John works with the student leaders on NetGen to help them facilitate their videos. "As digital natives, your generation (labeled by Don Tapscott as the Net Generation) have become naturals at communication and collaboration. You have grown up with technology tools at your fingertips. My four year old daughter has proficiently used her iPod to play games and listen to her favorite Taylor Swift songs since she was one and a half. My 14 year old daughter stressed about one of her best friends getting enrolled in an academic program next school year across the country until she realized the Skype conversations that they have nearly every day will not change. The Net Generation is used to communicating and collaborating for fun. The business world is already using technology tools to communicate and collaborate, to be more efficient and productive, to reach a wider, more diverse market. It’s our responsibility as educators and students to use technology tools in education to communicate and collaborate through projects like the Flat Classroom projects that will prepare students for global citizenship."
Understanding "Centrality Bias" in Teams | HASTAC
We all tend to think we are more central to a project than we really are. This is no surprise but is very important for those who think they are indispensible because you're not. ;-( I just think being realistic is important. This is also a challenge for us in Flat Classroom because students think they are important and central EVEN if they aren't communicating and reaching out to partners and this is a problem. I've had kids claim they "did all the work" and when looking at the words, it doesn't bear out. They are shocked when they realize how little they've done. I think this thought process is a a problem for collaboration. No matter what people do, they think they did it all even if the wiki says otherwise or data says otherwise. For this reason, it is important to point out this disparity to teammates and also how to quantify the participation of others. "Do you provide information or materials which are necessary for them to do their job? To what extent are the tasks you each do related? Now imagine that everyone in the group does a similar exercise, quantifying their own relationship to everyone else. According to research from Jonathon Cummings of -Duke's Fuqua Business school, you are likely to overestimate the degree to which others on your team depend on you!"
Feedly Channel in IFTTT – Customer Feedback & Knowledge Base for Feedly
Feedly is not yet integrated with ifttt and we really need that (as well as Diigo integration. I can't find another RSS reader except Google reader with the integration. Content sharers automate everything and I'm hoping this will happen or there will be room in my dashboard for the first RSS reader that does.
Tips for Google Reader users migrating to feedly | Building Feedly
If you're moving to Feedly from Google Reader, go ahead. Nice tool. The only drawback is lack of Diigo integration. I hope you'll go over to Feedly and ask for that if you use it like I do so we can have voices asking for it! Here are the steps.
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» Daily Education and Technology News for Schools 04/12/2013