Citation of Moscow University research in ecology, environmental toxicology, hydrobiology. Examples.

Citation of Moscow University research in ecology, environmental toxicology, hydrobiology. Examples.
(Examples of citation, short list of web sites/links 2013,April)
Citation in U.S.A., Western Kentucky University, 2012. Cited paper:  Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders. Hydrobiologia, 542: 275–286.
Citation. Book. Biological Effects of Surfactants. Austria, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Brazil, Indonesia, et al.
Citation. Indian Institute of Technology, (New Delhi);  and  Banaras Hindu University, (Varanasi) cited
Citation: Environment Agency, Germany; Environment Agency Austria.  Book on Surfactants
Citation. Biological Effects of Surfactants. Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Austria, Slovakia, Germany, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Denmark, United Kingdom, Poland:
Africa, America, Asia, Australia, Europe.  Citation.
The University of Western Australia: citation. Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders
updtd Jan29 2013;
International Water Association (IWA) cited.

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