An App That Pinpoints Where A Sniper Is Located

The app being tested: It can pinpoint the location of a gunman simply by analysing the sound of a gunshot

The App That Can Tell You EXACTLY Where A Gunman Is Just By Listening To A Bullet Being Fired -- Daily Mail

* System uses microphones and other sensors in smartphone to pinpoint location
* Additional microphones housed in a box the size of a pack of playing cards
* Head-mounted version set to be developed for police and soldiers

An app that can pinpoint a gunman's location simply by analysing the sound and shockwaves from a gunshot have been revealed by US researchers.

The Android app can show a map of exactly where the gunman is located, and is expected to be developed for military and police use in the war on terror.

Experts at Vanderbilt University can replicate systems that cost millions of pounds are are so large they have to be installed in vehicles.

The new version, however, simply requires a smartphone and a small box around the size of a deck of cards containing highly sensitive microphones and shockwave sensors.

The team say it could be initially used to protect VIPs.

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My Comment: I expect this to be standard for the military very soon.

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