Will the Termination of the Terminator, Terminate the conflict and misery in the DR Congo without terminating their sponsors and financiers?
March 23, 2013 by Leave a Comment
Confused, biting each other, the M23 rebel group is heading to self destruction. There is a saying in Africa that while grasshoppers are kept in a pot waiting to be fried, they start biting each rather than designing away out way out of the pot and save their lives. The current infighting between the faction of Gen. Bosco Ntaganda and Sultan Makenga is a clear manifestation of the failure of the above grasshoppers to get out of the pot while a pot is being cleaned and oil bought to fry them. Unfortunately the former allies and comrades have been fighting each other and killing their brothers in arms for foreign interests.
Indeed, the architecture and designers of this war in Kigali are not done, they are now planning plan B to sponsor another rebel group may be in another name to quench their thirst of wealth and blood for the regime in Kigali under the command of Kagame through his chain of commanders like the Minister of Defence James Kabarebe and the Chief of Defences of Rwanda Defenses(RDF) respectively.
It is not clear whether the termination of the terminator will end the conflict in Congo, as long as Kagame and his regime in Kigali are left to harvest from shedding blood of innocent women and children of Congolese people.
There is no doubt that the M23 rebel group will continue to destabilise the Eastern Congo against the Kabila regime if the Kigali regime is left to play the monkey tricks of removing one head of the rebel group replacing him with another. It is interesting that, in all these games the Kigali regime through its mouth piece the Minister of Foreign Affairs denied that the terminator was in the country despite the fact that, he had entered on Saturday with some of his commanders. Therefore Rwanda and Kagame in particular cannot and will never be a partner in peace with Congo and other regional countries.
Although many politicians in Congo have hailed the surrender of the most wanted war criminal in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo and said that the terminator had no other option but to surrender, on the contrary the architecture of the war this terminator has been fighting on their behalf are behind this sudden surrender. The Kigali regime is besieged and under both regional and international pressure to end their support to this notorious rebel group.
Therefore unless the Kigali regime is handled with strong gloves, the so called justice some people think will prevail is a dream that is still far from the reality.
-"I think justice now has a chance to prevail, now that he has handed himself in," DR Congo's ambassador to the UK, Kikaya Bin Karubi, told the BBC's Newsday programme.
There is overwhelming evidence that the makes the United Nations to believe that the M23 group is backed by the government of neighbouring Rwanda, under the direct command of Kagame's senior military officials and with full knowledge of the president Kagame himself though Rwanda denies it.
There is hope that with the surrender of the man who is believed to have been behind all the mayhem in the Eastern Congo on the orders of president Kagame if he does reach the ICC, he can shed light on the accusations of Rwanda's involvement in the Congolese conflicts, including the backing of the M23 rebels and the role of president Kagame in all the atrocities committed in Congo for all most two decades.
Under the international law, abetting, supporting and aiding war criminals is a crime and the Rwandan leader who has been mentioned in the United Nations report of experts and another mapping report that he personally played a big role in arming and financing the M23 group should not be spared. Like some of the African leaders who have ended in Hague for crimes committed in other countries without necessarily stepping a foot in that country, so should Kagame and his Lieutenants be held accountable for the crimes against humanity committed by their proxy the M23.
Indeed, the termination of the terminator without terminating the source of the conflict which is Rwanda using the aid money from donor countries is like treating the symptoms of the disease without treating the cause.
Jacqueline Umurungi