Well, Spring is coming

The weather is getting warmer and I heard the weather gal say we might get rain on Thursday. Ain't that special. Haven't had to do any shoveling, got tired of that and just put my snoeshoes on and tamped it all down, much easier on the back.
  I did get the vapor barrier up on my ceiling, should have done that a while ago. Sure makes a difference warmth wise.

Still working on my night shots

That is snow you see

I liked this shot, a fog started to roll in

This also was a pretty cool shot

Denali just coming out from the overcast

No matter how long a person lives in Alaska, you still have respect for such a creation.

The Red Polls are coming in droves, he moved

He didn't

The return of the Red Poles and this little guy says Breakup

Whoops! Forgot these guys

I don't really have much to say but, by Friday, I should have more to tell and show. Later

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