Rocky Heights Service Unit Celebrates World Thinking Day with Annual International Tea

The Rocky Heights service unit celebrated World Thinking Day on February 24, 2013, with its annual International Tea. Participating Daisy, Brownie, Junior and Cadette troops learned about a country of their choice, and they presented information about that country by creating tabletop displays about them. Many girls dressed up in costumes from their chosen countries, and some performed skits. Girls traveled to different tables with boarding passes and discovered information about each nation. The boarding passes asked questions about each country, and girls could find the answers within the information on each table. Girls with the correct answers had the chance to win door prizes. Traveling girls also sampled food from some of the countries, including baklava, koulourakia, hummus, fortune cookies, hot dogs and apple pie. 

The recognized countries were Egypt, Greece, Brazil, Jordan, China, Costa Rica, the United States of America and Germany. 

The girls participating also collected $110 for the Juliette Low World Friendship Fund. The fund was created in 1927 to support girls as they travel internationally to connect with Girl Guides and take action globally.
World Thinking Day not only gives Girl Scouts a chance to celebrate international friendships, but is also a reminder that Girl Scouts of the USA is part of a global community—one of 144 countries in the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS). 

Thinking Day was created in 1926 to encourage girls to think of each other and to give thanks and appreciation to sister Girl Scouts. The name was changed to World Thinking Day in 1999 to emphasize its global aspect.

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