Palestine-Israel, The joint struggle continue in turbulent times

The joint struggle continue persistently with growing popular Palestinian struggle as a 
new environment. The Obama visit was focused on with another tent camp as a repetition of 
the Bab El-Shams action. Protesting Obama visit was focused on in other actions. The 
regular Bil'in, Ni'ilin, Nabi Saleh, Qaddum, Maasara, South West and Southern Hebron 
Hills, and Sheikh Jarah, there were the Hebron action, the Jaffa vigil in solidarity with 
the hunger strikers Palestinian administrative prisoners, and a demo in Tel Aviv. As 
usual, activities of solidarity with and support for Palestinian and international 
detainees/prisoners of the joint struggles continued.

Bab El-Shams

About a hundred Palestinians erected a new village, Ahfad Younis, in the much disputed E1 
area, on a hillside opposite to the one on which the original village of Bab al Shams was 
established two months ago. 25 tents were put up and covered with banners addressing 
slogans to the President Barack Obama visiting the region these days
Day 1: New protest village near Jerusalem, Mar. 20
Haitham Khatib
Day 2:
Day 3:
Day 4:
Read more on:
The newly erected village of Ahfad Younis which was built as an act of Palestinian popular 
resistance was invaded at around 3 a.m. March 24th, 2013. Around 600 Israeli Occupation 
Forces entered with weapons and forcefully evicted the residents in an aggressive manner. 
Four residents of the Palestinian village Ahfad Younis were arrested including Dr. Mustafa 
Barghouti, Secretary General of the Palestinian National Initiative.

Video 1:
Video 2:


Haitham Al Khatib


The IOF arrested several Palestinian, Israeli and international activists today during a 
peaceful march in Shuhada street. The Israeli activists were released, but the Palestinian 
and international activists are still in custody.
israel putermam

March, 20,2013 - Demonstration against Obama's visit,
Israel Puterman

Nabi Saleh

On Friday, the weekly demonstration marked Palestinian dignity. Protesters gathered in 
Shuhada Square at the village's center, called for solidarity with the political prisoners 
and also with an Israeli activist currently under massive Zionist onslaught, then marched 
down the road leading to the main entry to Nabi Saleh. The IOF attacked the unarmed 
demonstrators with barrages of tear gas, rubber bullet and skunk water, and chased them 
with their jeep back into the village. Dozens suffocated from tear gas, fired also on and 
around residential homes and directly at photographers. If you are interested in joining 
us for the Friday demonstration, please contact me privately.

Photos From Protest, March, 22,2013
Haim Schwarczenberg
David Reeb
israel putermam


The first non violent demonstration as the Israeli armed forces refrained from attacking 
the demonstration because of Obama visit. They did a symbolic power show without shooting 
or substantial invasion to the village. The shabab did too just a symbolic show and the 
demo finished by the organizers.

Tel Aviv - Jaffa


The 46 daily demonstration in continues supporting the hunger strike administrative 
prisoner Samer Issawi

Tel Aviv

Vigil at U.S embassy Tel- Aviv . March 22, 2013.
President Obama thank you for supporting and protecting our Apartheid state. And a special 
thank to the American people for donating over the years more than 230 Billion Dollars of 
your tax money for enabling our military and Jewish superiority in the Holy Land. Yes We 
Can Not Do It Without You!


Don't Say We Didn't Know 355

For years now, Jewish settlers of the illegal outpost/colony Havat Ma'on (in the South 
Hebron Hills) have been assaulting elementary school children when these pass by the 
outpost on their way from their hamlets - Tuba and Mughair Al Abyad - to their schoolhouse 
in the village of Tawane. In 2004 settlers wounded two international human rights 
activists who were escorting the children. A public outcry ensued and since then, the 
Israeli army has supplied escort for the children on their way to and from school. As in 
many other instances, all along the years the Israeli police in the West Bank manages not 
to acknowledge the assaults, and certainly not to arrest the assailants.
Often after school the children must wait for a long time until the soldiers arrive to 
accompany them. A tent has been put up to protect the children while waiting for the 
soldiers. On March 15 and 16 2013, the Israeli army destroyed this tent.

For further information: Amos Gwirtz at

* From my blog at:
See Previous reports about the joint struggles the Anarchists Against the Wall take part 
in at the blog
See also: http://awalls.org

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