March 8, 2013

White Dog summoned the rest of the White Dog Army and they stormed out onto the deck where she led them in angry howls to the Universe proclaiming "NO!!!!!"

This was "Friday is our Saturday" and after a week of darkness, positiveness had reentered our lives and we looked forward to a fun trip to the Park and a car picnic for lunch. And we were just about ready to go...

...when I turned green and rushed back into the house barely making it in time.

It was my turn to face the stomach bug that first Michael and then Steve had experienced over the past week. I sat drained on the floor in the bathroom and soon felt the cold nose and soft furs of White Dog pushing under my arm. She sat in my lap as the others crowded in to press close and offer comfort.

"I am SO sorry, my White Loves! I know we were all looking forward to today but I think I am out of commission for the next 24 hours." I saw no anger or disappointment, only concern as I looked into six pairs of serious dark eyes.

"Come on," Steve said from the doorway, "we need to get momma wrapped up and more comfortable. And she is going to need some very skilled and loving nurses. Any volunteers?"

I spent the rest of the day wrapped in an afghan and surrounding by a cloud of white attendants...miserable in body but feeling safe and cared for.

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