White Dog and the White Dog Army feel like we have come out of a week long storm of tests and troubles. Today, to a bright Land of Enchantment sky and nearly 70 degree balmy temps, the WDA turned faces up to bask in the warm healing glow of the sun.
We sat on the deck and listened to the newly returned birds singing. Oso, Nuka and Puff found sunpuddles against the house, heated stone and wood felt soothing to senior bones and they soon were asleep--lulled by sounds of traffic and emerging life. Quinn rested his head on my knee and let me randomly stroke his flank; he did not sleep but his slow regular breathing made me happy to hear his calm peace.
Out in the yard, White Dog ran in a wild game of "Get It!" Steve tossed the tennis ball and she tore across the open space to snag it and then return to drop it at his side. It was not always a direct line as she ran zoomies and traveled around the yard before bringing it back. YoYoMa had been contentedly chasing after the jingly ball that I rolled to him and was doing quite well practicing his "Bring It!"'s...until he noticed White Dog's game. He chased after her chasing the ball. At first she teased and taunted but quickly tired of YAWD's persistence and deserted the game to go back inside. Steve sat on the step below me and rested against my legs. He looked relaxed and unstressed for the first time in days.
The sleeping trio awoke shortly after; they too, returning indoors. YoYoMa and Quinn sat with me a while longer, pressed on either side as tears of release ran down my cheeks. Steve reached back and squeezed my hand. I thought about how fortunate the WDA and I are to have friends, support and love to get us through any storm...and how on this Thursday I am truly thankful.