White Dog and The White Dog Army
Wicked World Wednesday
White Dog gently laid her head and my shoulder and said, "If you don't who will? You have to tell the world. You did nothing wrong but you have to make it change."
As most of you know the White Dog Army and my family hate cancer. We are dedicated Warriors in the battle to bring about its total and complete eradication through advancing research. We have been tireless in spreading the word, raising funds, educating others about the tremendous possibilities. I felt like we were really making a difference in a War many say is not winnable.
The WDA placed its faith and support in the camp of the 2 Million Dogs Foundation which promotes comparative oncology, an amazing hope that by bridging the research done in the pet world with that being done in the human, the commonalities will reveal universal clues to beat the monster. And we have been blessed with the outstanding support of this Blog Family.
Today I come to you shamed to share that I recently discovered that the 2 Million Dogs Foundation only actually commits EIGHTEEN CENTS of every donor dollar to research. We have lost far too many we love to this monster for eighteen cents to suffice. Our Walkers and volunteers and supporters and sponsors and vendors give too much for eighteen cents to be right. We owe much much more to every person and creature who is represented on our Tribute Wall and who continue to fight with all they have. Don't we at least owe them a fight with all WE have? I think, yes.
And there are LOTS of questions about the where the rest of the money goes. I feel betrayed, and worse, I feel I have mislead so many of you. I ache for all of the legitimate organizations and rescues that daily face the backlash of a public grown suspicious and ungiving because of this; organizations that pay for pet food out of personal checkbooks and who barely manage to keep their doors open. I am truly struggling to not see all charities as potential charlatans. The world certainly does not seem very wonderful right now.
The White Dogs tell me we must not give up hope or focus. And there is no way that we will stop our fight against the c monster--we know too many who have suffered at its hands. Steve and my wonderful team have vowed to walk proudly and continue our attempts to make the world better in this way. And we have chosen to realign ourselves with the National Canine Cancer Foundation, who dedicates 75% of donor dollars to fighting cancer through both traditional and comparative oncologies. White Dog says that no one will hold me responsible for the misdirection of 2 Million Dogs funding but yet I feel that somehow I have lost the right to ask for confidence and trust.
I am proud to be a member of this incredible community. I lay myself at your feet and ask that your judgement not be too harsh. The WDA and I fight with pure hearts and true dedication. And I beg that you not give up the battle and support of those fighting to end the terrible beast.
As they say at the National Canine Cancer Foundation: "Together, we are the cure!"