March 26, 2013

White Dog leaned over me and said, "Just give an update on Nuka. That is what every one is waiting to see. And don't forget to ask our dear friends for continued healing energies and positive thoughts, they really do help."

Nuka spent the day at Dr. Julia's again. Steve, accompanied by White Dog who refused to let her sister go without riding along (and WD HATES the vet), took our sick baby girl in for continuing treatment of her acute pancreatitis attack. Another White Dog slept soundly through the night after accepting a little water and taking a trip outside. This morning showed little improvement in her spunk; she just seemed resigned. The rest of the White Dog Army nosed her, confused by her indifference, and stood clustered at the door as Steve and White Dog carried her out to the van.

We tried hard but failed in our vow not to call, for fear of jinxing her progress. The tech told us she had just come inside from a potty break which meant the rehydration IV was working well. We hung up and high pawed her improvement; then waited impatiently for Steve to pick her up at 5pm.

He carried her out of the car and stopped for her to water the bushes..."woohoo!" Puff cheered from the watching window. When they came in and he put my baby in my arms, she just melted and groaned. Her eyes were slightly less glassy. And when I set her down, the Army's inspection sent her wobbling to her crate where she has been sleeping since. There was a chorus of sighs.

Steve gave the report from Dr. Julia, "She still is not eating at all or drinking more than a sip. She vomited this afternoon, but only once. Nuka has to go back again tomorrow. Dr. Julia wants to see her eating and drinking on her own before we consider her well." He went on to tell us, all gathered around him, that he was told to offer but not to expect her to accept some rice and broth and not to worry about syringing water down her throat since she had been receiving fluids all day. We were all pretty discouraged; Quinn (already agitated by the wind) to the point of starting to get manic. Puff rallied the troops, "Nuka will pull through this. She is fighting hard. It is just that as an older girl sometimes it takes a little longer to throw off the sickies, but she will. Believe in her."

As predicted Nuka did not even come out of the office for dinner. After Michael took Quinn outside, our Mighty One disappeared. I didn't not have to look further than the office to find him curled up around Nuka's backside, pressing his healing energies into her as they both slept peacefully. It was such a beautiful sight but I feared trying to get a photo knowing Quinn's aversion to the camera and especially flashes.

One-by-one, first Oso, then YoYoMa, and finally Puff came in and settled around us. Nuka opened her eyes and met mine; I tried not to tear up, I truly did. "I love you, my wiggy-waggy girl!" I whispered as she closed her eyes again.

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