For those of you who have been following you might have noticed that I have been sick a lot. It seems like I have been sick more times during this pregnancy than the rest of my life. First I had morning sickness that was worse than anything I ever dealt with, then I got some sort of virus and started having tons of anxiety issues from there. I got the never ending cough and a separate cold. I blame some of these on Tucker because he is exposed to so many more people at school and this is our first year dealing with that. Anyway, yesterday I was hospitalized for the second time during the pregancy, but this time for some sort of stomach bug.
Bob had it on Monday and it was pretty bad. I tried so hard not to get it. He stayed in the bedroom the entire time and sanitized the house a ton, not to mention endless hand washing. I even slept on the couch I really didn't want to get what he had. Unfortunately I woke up at about 3am Wednesday morning throwing up. I had it bad and the doctor wanted me to go to the hospital to get an iv because I wasn't able to keep any liquids down. So Bob took off work and I spent the day in the hospital. Good news is that Thursday morning I was already feeling much better. And Bob took off again, making it the fourth day in a row, so I can still rest. I bet people at his work think I had the baby. On a side note, congrats to my brother and sister-in-law who were in the hospital (different hospital) the same time as me but actually did have their baby!
Hopefully next week I can have a much more pleasant hospital visit and have my baby. And by more pleasant I mean I am not throwing up everywhere and almost passing out. I know having a baby going to be hard! I'm shooting for Wednesday, the first day of Spring.