(en) France, Alternative Libertaire #225 - Domination racist colonies neighborhoods (fr)

The colonial legacy security policies carried out today in the neighborhoods is reflected
in the strategies of policing, with the reactivation of the figure of the "enemy within".
---- Many security elements from the colonial legacy are fully transposed and implemented
in the country, specifically in areas called popular (QP). This is to place on these 
neighborhoods police surveillance at all times through a tight grid and multiple controls. 
This repression is directly inspired by the colonial model. Today, as in colonial times, 
it is to pacify, to regain territories to educate savages or barbarians, adapt our devices 
necessarily "civilized." ---- Colonial war as a reference ----

Political practices, police or law clearly refer to the colonial context, with a view of 
preventive war: facies controls repeated curfew, a ban on rallies in building lobbies, 
criminalization and financial penalties for parents of young considered "deviant." Any 
challenge to the inhabitants and residents of neighborhoods was immediately politicized, 
racialized and criminalized.

It is indeed an emergency legislation. The security thinking was driven from the 
reformulation of devices designed to control the colonial war. The construction of the 
Immigration and neighborhoods as a danger involved the representation of a global threat,
allowing the promotion of a safe and militarized control total. Mathieu Rigouste 
demonstrates how speech and the terms of the colonial war are used as a reference 
technique of security thinking, between pure extension, reformulations and rearrangements
[Rigouste Mathieu, "The police domination, violence industry"].

Current models of intervention policies (to practice psychological warfare) found, for 
example their roots in the Battle of Algiers. Fantasy new threats legitimate monitoring 
devices extremes, terrorizing the population, making live under constant pressure. 
Institutions (schools, media ...) support these last practicing psychological conditioning 
to prepare the mentality, to make them accept a spirit of defense against threats made.

The reproduction and restructuring mechanisms colonial policing is used to assert 
dominance police on a population living in social apartheid.

Organize themselves against state violence

Memory struggles is built through confrontations with the police. The last thirty years 
have been marked by recurring fire QP, the "rodeo Minguettes" in 1981 to the riots of 
November 2005. These revolts have highlighted the systematic and disproportionate to the 
strength and control. The strengthening of the security and police power, reinforced by 
ten years sarkozysme calls us to position ourselves against the colonialist management 
districts. This is to show our solidarity with the victims of police violence, those who 
suffer repression and support all victims of discrimination. Reveals that the treatment of 
QP is deeply racist nature of the French state, right or left.

Related Link: http://www.alternativelibertaire.org

by Cl?mence and Gisele - Commission racist, Libertarian Alternative

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