(en) Canada, La Commune UCL Montreal: Forum on Direct Democracy - Saturday, February 16

Date: February 16, 2013 10am to 17:30 Location: 2040 rue Alexandre-Deseve Centre Alexander 
Deseve ---- Party at DIRA CANCELLED View Event Facebook Forum on Direct Democracy ---- 
Event Description ---- The Libertarian Communist Union (UCL) wishes to invite you to a 
Public Forum that will focus on direct democracy. We offer a wide space for reflection to
share and think freely about the different experiences of collective power that have been
experienced, particularly in the context of social turmoil surrounding the student strike. 
In recent months, many-Artists are those who have lived and experienced a new approach to
organizing and collective decision making. We believe it is time to look back on these 
experiences to fuel our visions for the construction of a comprehensive proposal on the 
issue of power.

event will be an opportunity to address the criticisms current democratic structures and 
to reflect experiences in activist circles . We also hope to have the opportunity to 
understand these issues through a reflection on direct democracy as a mode of organization 
of an entire society.

's day will take the form of an open forum . To provide food for thought and stimulate 
discussion, we will produce a list of reflection. To this end, we invite your 
participation in the drafting . Call for Papers We want to gather texts in a book 
discussion at maximum 100 pages . To fill it, we need a lot of texts, including yours! 
objective is to collect thoughts, suggestions and experiences to facilitate the sharing at 
the forum. Texts can take various forms . For example, there may be an essay, a 
presentation type of journalism, a fiction or a more academic style text. Poems and 
pictures are also welcome. If it is a reflective long it is preferable that it be based on 
concrete examples of events experienced rather than imaginary scenarios. Entries must be 
between 200 and 2000 words . To facilitate the installation specifications, we also thank
you kindly send your text format . doc (Word or Open Office) recorded the title text and 
well put your name at the beginning of the document if you want it be published . We also
ask you to preface your text a short abstract (100 words + or-) . The deadline is at 
midnight December 15, 2012 . Thank you to send your documents to the following address: 
ucl@causecommune.net The text will be inserted into the book thinking that will be 
distributed over the Internet in PDF and printed for February 16. If you wish, you can 
also publish your text in anonymity . Simply specify in your email when sending. If you 
are also interested es to submit your thoughts through an oral presentation, please let us 
know. Showtimes Forum

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