(en) Brazil, Anarkismo.net: Eduardo Campos and the basic "ally" by Bruno Lima Rocha (pt)

Longtime allies, the Pernambuco Governor Eduardo Campos (PSB) and President Dilma 
Rousseff, a former pedetista today in legend Luiz Inacio, can become opponents in 2014. -- 
Circulates through political means and cover specialized kind of anteroom of the previous 
election in 2014. Soon after the municipal elections last year, the national leadership of 
the PSB - a longtime ally PT - found itself facing a new circumstance. The municipal Party 
wins historic Miguel Arraes and appreciation of Pernambuco Governor Eduardo Campos could 
create conditions to reproduce the 2002 election race. Eleven years ago the election shows 
almost a third candidate as the underdog. ---- At the time, the former governor of Rio, 
Anthony Garotinho, ran by PSB and Ciro Gomes, former toucan positions converted to 
center-left, ran the PPS with the support of PDT and union workers.

The scenario was not only more messy towards the "center" of politics, because the 
presence of Jos? Serra, though seconded by then Congresswoman capixaba Rita Camata (PMDB), 
every election has become tense and polarized. A decade after the expansion and allied 
base through costs of such governance (inside and heading), the government of the former 
guerrilla is close to an early internal rupture. It is not just the naturalized 
anticipation of electoral alliances and legitimate claim to leadership by political 
parties. The basic issue is the absence of programmatic differentiation and, worse, 
political practice.

Any student of political science or related fields must meet one of the foundations of the 
game of alliances based on the interaction strategy, "the friend of my friend can be my 
friend, the enemy of my enemy can be my friend and the friend of my enemy can be my enemy. 
" The problem in the current "governance" is that almost anyone can be almost anything, 
with little or no differentiation among legends, leaders and forms of conduct. In this 
country, who occupies the position of alliance positions itself transient, such as the 
positions and the opposition. Materializes this analysis migrations and the creation of 
the PSD party, split the DEM by executor traditions udenistas and now the legend of the 
occasion former minister Marina Silva.

When everyone can be "friends" and almost nobody wants to be "enemy", the political 
landscape is confusing and emptied. Is this fauna alliances and occasional subtitles 
without internal cohesion that may appear a "new" figurehead, from within the government 
coalition, like Eduardo Campos, has swept away a considerable part of the base "ally", 
starting with PMDB .
Bruno Lima Rocha

Related Link: http://estrategiaeanalise.com.br

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