(en) Brazil, Anarkio.net: A-Info #19 - April 2013 (pt)

Anarchism is a definite strand of social thought whose adherents advocate the abolition of 
economic monopolies and all political and social coercive institutions. Instead of the 
capitalist economic order, anarchists, they want free association of all productive 
forces, based on the work and would have the goal of meeting the essential needs of all 
members of society. Instead of nation states with the present mechanism of deadly 
political and bureaucratic establishment, anarchists want a federation of free 
communities, where each act with one another in the interests of all, economically and 
socially, and it will adjust the production and distribution agreements and free mutual 

Anyone who studies the economic and political development of deep social system present 
recognize that these goals do not jump the utopian ideas of a few imaginative innovators, 
but they are the logical terms of a comprehensive review of existing social dysfunctions 
reported and verified, even if appear in a more clean, but unhealthy. Monopoly capitalism 
and the modern totalitarian state are only the latest phase of a development that is not 
as complete.

stupendous development of our economic system, dragging a powerful accumulation of social 
wealth in the hands of privileged minorities and repression constant greater number of 
people, paved the present political and social reaction and it helped with the advancement 
liberating anarchist. The general interests of human society is sacrificed to the 
interests of private individuals, and establishing real relationships between men are thus 
systematically undermined for the base. Very forgot that the industry is not an end in 
itself, but it should not be more than a means to ensure the livelihood of men and 
material to make it accessible to a culture of kindness intellectual superior. When 
industry is everything when work loses its ethical significance and that man is nothing, 
the reign of the ruthless economic despotism begins, whose effects are no less disastrous 
than any political despotism. The two mutually intensify, they nourish the same source.


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