(en) Anarkismo.net, Ratzinger and the paradox of conservatism by Bruno Lima Rocha (pt)

Wotjyla and Karol Joseph Ratzinger, the pope and his pop ideologue, a miner and an 
intellectual, creator and creature of modern conservatism at the Vatican. The Polish 
supreme in their realm outside surface, as the German failed to be protagonists in their 
own reign. ---- Paradoxical as it may seem, we discussed the resignation of Pope Benedict
XVI last euphoria Carnival, the biggest party in the country, and by the way, profane. As
always, I analyze what happened from the perspective of the base of the pyramid. In the 
case from two decades of living with pastoral agents laity, priests and friars linked to 
almost moribund liberation theology, popular version of Christianity that the former 
secretary of the Polish Karol Wotjyla both fought.

Joseph Ratzinger possibly leaves office by physical exhaustion and mental strain, 
realizing the incompatibility between intellectual production and management of high-level 
executive of a supranational state with autonomous bureaucracy and funding little or 
nothing justifiable. If we analyze the relations of power within the Roman Curia and the 
hegemonic congregations today, we find that conservative wings like Opus Dei, Communion 
and Liberation and Legionaries, fight among themselves as rival factions irrespective of 
theological project. At the top of the pyramid of Roman apostolate, the relationship 
between faith and money are at least promiscuous. This statement is proven with real 
estate empire reported by The Guardian and before the fraudulent bankruptcy of Banco 
Ambrosiano. At its base, the conservative Catholic moves away from the everyday life of 
ordinary people, reinforcing the predilection for the rite and the flock vying with other
religious institutions of mass conversion.

In Brazil, we can make a comparison anything odd. What would be the substantive difference 
between a Pentecostal pastor preaching conservative in making an appointment paid TV and a 
priest or bishop, performing the same preaching in an own channel? Perhaps, the only 
distinction is the responsibility because to be ordained priest need at least eight years
of study, equivalent to two upper-level courses. We live in the fullness of hypocrisy. 
Condemns was a pastor for preaching his grotesque homophobia, but remain silent in the 
face of intellectual cassock, most philosophers and theologians, saying exactly the same 
thing. After serving faithfully to advance the conservative papacy of John Paul II, 
Ratzinger exhausted his strength by also reap what they sowed.

The paradox of sadness is seeing in Latin America, the works of people like Camilo Torres, 
Oscar Romero, Samuel Ruiz, Pedro Casaldaliga, Ignacio Ellacuria, Helder Camara, Paul 
Cerioli, among thousands of other religious undergoing this type of ecclesial hierarchy .

Bruno Lima Rocha

Related Link: http://estrategiaeanalise.com.br

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