The British military in Cyprus. Currently, the UK has military bases on Cyprus, at Akrotiri and Dhekelia.

Has the CIA just arranged a coup in Greek Cyprus?

Will Greek Cyprus now join NATO?

The newspaper Scotland on Sunday reported 16/9/ 2001 that Osama bin Laden made his fortune in part by working with Jewish-Russian mafia operations in Cyprus. ...MOSSAD AND MURDER IN CYPRUS

"Large Russian communities are emerging in ... Cyprus where there are Russian shops and services on offer." 

In 2010, a court in Cyprus granted bail to a Russian, accused of spying in the US, giving him the opportunity to escape.

Europe's most alluring spots become a playground for the new rich ...

Demetris Christofias was the communist president of Cyprus from 2008 until February 2013.

Greek Cyprus has been seen as 'anti-NATO'.

Now that its economy has been undermined, and there is a new government, that may change.

On 16 March 2013, it was announced that Eurozone finance ministers have agreed a 10 billion-euro (£8.7 bn; $13 bn) bailout package for Greek Cyprus 'to save Cyprus from bankruptcy.'

"The deal was reached between Greek Cypriot ministers and the International Monetary Fund (IMF)."

Cyprus gets $13 billion bailout, must crack down on banking / Eurozone and IMF agree 10bn-euro Cyprus bailout deal / Savers forced to bear costs in Cyprus bailout

On 28 February 2013, Nicos Anastasiades became President of Cyprus. He wants Greek Cyprus to join NATO.

Greek Cyprus is to:

1. Increase taxes

2. Cut its deficit

3. Shrink its banking sector. 

Cyprus was divided into Greek and Turkish Cyprus, under a plan reportedly designed by Henry Kissinger. NATO GENERAL CONFESSES TO FALSE FLAG OP.

Cyprus's banks were badly exposed to Greece.

Many of the customers of the Greek Cypriot banks are alleged to be Jewish Russian Mafia.

The deal involves a levy (tax) on bank deposits.

This "might unnerve bank customers in other countries in difficulty."

People with less than 100,000 euros in Cypriot bank accounts will have to pay a one-time tax of 6.75%.

Those with more will have to pay 9.9%. 

Jacob Funk Kirkegaard, of the US-based Peterson Institute for International Economics, said: "There is a general political sentiment that it is not acceptable to be bailing out a country, and thereby putting European taxpayers' money at risk, to basically protect Russian depositors in Cypriot banks."

Greek Cypriots taken to Turkey in 1974. The clintons and the battle for cypriot oil and gas

In 1994, the Independent reported:

1. Russians have deposited millions of dollars in Cyprus "in what local bankers suspect has been a giant scheme to launder the profits of covert Middle East arms sales and the proceeds of Moscow's mafia."

2. Russians have been buying several million dollars' worth of property around the coastal city of Limassol.

3.  "One Russian, who openly identified himself as an arms-trader, was staying at a Limassol hotel last week, departing and arriving in a chauffeur- driven limousine. 

"A Limassol banker said that he believed two former Russian army generals were among those who had made substantial cash deposits locally."

Nicos Anastasiades, the new President of Cyprus. reuters

In 2012, The Guardian reported:

"So many Russians now live in Limassol ... that the resort has been dubbed 'Limassolgrad'. 

"There is a Russian-language newspaper, two Russian schools and a radio station. 

"On Sundays Russians flock to Debenhams; the resort's tourist strip features stores selling fur coats, kefir – a sour Russian yoghurt drink, and Baltika, Russia's popular beer.

"And then there are Limassol's teeming bars and clubs. 

"There is a seamy eastern dimension, with Ukrainian, Belarussian and Moldovan prostitutes working the beachside drinking spots.

Kyrenia Three
Turkish Cypriots. The Turkish invasion of Cyprus, reportedly arranged by Kissinger, wrecked the economy of Turkish Cyprus. Around 50% of the Turkish Cypriots have now left Cyprus.

"Cyprus's Russian-speaking population is put at 35,000-40,000...

"Vast amounts of Russian money are stashed offshore in Cyprus.

"More than 25% of bank deposits and about one-third of foreign investments come from Russia...

"The Cypriot authorities ... point out that Russians invest more cash in Austria and the UK...

"Cyprus is of strategic importance because of its proximity to the Middle East...

"Russia is involved in running a huge weapons trade via Cyprus to the countries of the Middle East, particularly to Syria, Lebanon, Iran and Iran – and even to China and India, some Russian sources allege."

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