A pretty tea-cup & Melody

Only once have I driven by Baker Bob's in Almonte without dropping in. Today was not that day.

So,  tea in the afternoon included one of Bob's oatmeal raison cookies. Seriously, only one. ;-)
 Such a treat. I picked up some of his Easter chocolates and ordered some Doughnut Muffins for Easter weekend. I have yet to try to make them and thought it best not to try at Easter. I love my family, you see.
They are a cinnamon-lovers delight.

Tea today was a delicious blend of lemon and ginger
in this pretty tea-cup.
It is fine bone china, made in England and named Rosina.
She stands tall on the saucer and is very delicate
This was so good. I added a bit of honey, of course.

Now some wonderful kitty news... 

This little lady has a new home for Easter
             Isn't she adorable?                                  

I am so happy for this cat. Her name is Melody and she has been sitting at our shelter since last October. Yes, 6 long months.
Today, she found her new forever, loving home. A good friend and client of mine called the other day to say she had decided to once again adopt a needy cat and did I know of any one in particular that needed a home. I sent her to our shelter and she fell in love with this girl. What makes this adoption so wonderful is that Melody is 13 years old. She was brought in to the shelter as a stray and no one came to claim her. She was a sad but very sweet girl to the staff and they all cared a lot for her.

Have a fabulous life, Melody. I am so happy for you. Susan is a wonderful lady and she will give you a life full of love and contentment. I'm sure by now you are snuggled in one of her big arm chairs right beside her big, 'ol fireplace. Now I hope she plans to vacation soon so I can love you up as your cat-sitter.

I'm joining Sandi http://sandimyyellowdoor.blogspot.ca/at  for Tea-time Tuesday and Bernideen at http://bernideensteatimeblog.blogspot.ca/  for Friends sharing Tea.

hugs, Deb