Satellite photos of possible U.S. drone base in Saudi Arabia, via Wired
Are U.S. Bases in Saudi Arabia No Longer Inflammatory? -- Greg Scoblete, The Compass
Last week, both the New York Times and Washington Post revealed the existence of a secret U.S. drone base operating inside Saudi Arabia. The news raised eyebrows because it was the existence of U.S. bases in Saudi Arabia during the 1990s that figured so prominently in Osama bin Laden's jihad against the United States. That the Obama administration would blithely drop another U.S. base into the country without regard for the potentially negative symbolism could, as Tom Engelhardt argues, be a sign of sheer stupidity. Max Fischer, however, isn't so sure, noting that since the revelation, reaction has been rather tame:
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My Comment: When this story first broke I expected demonstrations and condemnations from protestors in Saudi Arabia 24/7.... that would have certainly been the case a decade or two ago. But this time .... nothing. Wow .... Saudi Arabia is changing in more ways than what we can keep up with.