The Gutting Of The U.S. Army

Chief: Sequestration Could Cost U.S. Army 200,000 Soldiers -- Defense News

Even without sequestration, the U.S. Army may be forced to cut its end strength further than the already planned-for 80,000 troops over the next several years, Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno said on Feb. 15.

Under current plans, the 570,000-strong Army will fall to 490,000 in coming years, as part of the postwar rebalancing of the armed services.

Speaking at the Brookings Institution in Washington, Odierno said, “my guess is that we’ll go even a little bit smaller in order for me to balance the readiness and modernization. We’re still working that number.”

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Update #1: Gen. Odierno: Army will lose 100,000 soldiers under defense cuts -- Washington Times
Update #2: Odierno: Budget cuts could impact training, deployment -- Stars and Stripes

My Comment: I made a prediction about a year ago using the British template of sudden and drastic budget cuts to balance the books on what such a scenario may play with the U.S. military. In short .... I predicted a 30% - 50% cut in the U.S. military. Sadly .... it looks like this scenario is something that even General Odierno is beginning to realize may happen.

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