The Coming Water Wars

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The Coming Water Wars -- Clark S. Judge, US News and World Report

Recently here at the Thomas Jefferson Street blog, I looked at surprises that the next four years could spring on the nation. I focused on separatist movements around the world, in Asia and Africa, of course, but also in Europe. The gist was that the world map could change quickly, dramatically, and soon if even a few of these movements succeed.

But what other Jacks are poised to pop out of the global box?

I have taped two world maps to my office wall. Dated 2011 and 2012, they highlight the areas of armed conflict at the beginning of those years. Published annually by the International Institute of Strategic Studies in London, each marks in bright red regions where frequent and organized fighting is in process. Various lighter shades indicate lesser levels of clashing. If you look carefully on the 2011 edition, here and there you will also see drawings of water drops. These indicate areas where clashes have or could soon occur over access to water.

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My Comment: Empires in the past were always located near water systems for a reason .... it is what gave them the means to grow food and to expand. Jump into the 21rst century .... and the same conditions hold. Yup .... the more things change .... the more they stay the same.

Update: NASA study finds that Middle East's water is disappearing fast -- Foreign Policy

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