Suspension-Feeders as Factors Influencing Water Quality in Aquatic Ecosystems
Suspension-feeders are found in both pelagic and benthic systems. They function as an important part of an ecosystem's biomachinery (this new scientific term was coined by Dr. S.A.Ostroumov) that maintains water quality in aquatic systems. They remove suspended matter...
**Book cover:
**About the book:
The Comparative Roles of Suspension-Feeders in Ecosystems
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on The Comparative Roles of Suspension-Feeders in Ecosystems Nida, Lithuania 4–9 October 2003
ISBN: 978-1-4020-3028-4 (Print) 978-1-4020-3030-7 (Online)
Table of contents (20 chapters)
Front Matter
Pages i-xii- Book ChapterPages 1-9
- Book ChapterPages 11-29
- Book ChapterPages 31-51
- Book ChapterPages 53-71
- Book ChapterPages 73-92
- Book ChapterPages 93-120
- Book ChapterPages 121-135
- Book ChapterPages 137-146
- Book ChapterPages 147-164
- Book ChapterPages 165-182
- Book ChapterPages 183-197
- Book ChapterPages 199-219
- Book ChapterPages 221-237
- Book ChapterPages 239-262
- Book ChapterPages 263-275
- Book ChapterPages 277-289
- Book ChapterPages 291-316
- Book ChapterPages 317-330
- Book ChapterPages 331-343
- Book ChapterPages 345-353
Back Matter
Richard Franklin Dame Jr., Ph.D.
Dr. Richard Dame, Distinguished Palmetto Professor Emeritus at CCU. He founded CCU's Marine Science program, a first-rate scientist and scholar with many accolades and awards.
Richard Franklin Dame, Ph.D, founder of the Marine Science Program at Coastal Carolina University and Research Associate with the Belle W. Baruch Institute for Marine Biology and Coastal Research died at the home he lovingly restored, 180 Ashley Avenue, Charleston SC on Tuesday, February 5, 2013. He was the son of Richard F. Dame, Sr. and Laurie Heisser Dame born in Charleston November 16, 1941. He was educated in the Charleston schools of Craft and Memminger Elementary, the High School of Charleston, and Saint Andrews High School from which he graduated in 1960. He earned a B.S. in Biology from the College of Charleston (1964), an M.A. in Zoology and Ecology from the University of North Carolina (1967), and a Ph.D in Biology and Marine Science from the University of South Carolina (1971) as the first Baruch Fellow.
Richard excelled in both the fields of education and scientific research. As an educator he taught physics at St. Andrew's High (1966-68). However, it was during his 35 year career at Coastal Carolina that he proved himself as a teacher, a coach, an administrator, and as a scholar.
As a teacher and a coach he taught the first classes in Marine Biology and initiated as well as coached the Men's Tennis Team (1972-1977). He also coached the Women's Tennis Team from (1980-1982). As the school grew from a two year junior college to a four year institution he helped develop a unique interdisciplinary curriculum for Marine Science that incorporated the four cornerstones of science-biology, geology, physics, and chemistry-into one major. In addition, he wrote grants and won awards from such agencies as National Science Foundation (NSF), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and Sea Grant to provide scientific equipment that would facilitate students in their pursuit of a marine science education. Still other grants helped him produce a television series on marine science and a program on coastal development. Other courses he would develop included Oceans and Man as well as Ecology for Teachers for long distance education as well as the highly popular Coral Reef Ecology course which began in the Florida Keys and continued in Jamaica at Discovery Bay Marine Lab from 1985-present. Finally, he served on several national and international facilities or committees including the University of Wageningen, the Netherlands (1996) and Virginia Commonwealth University (2008-2010).
As an administrator he served as both Department Head (1971-1981) and Department Chair of Marine Science (1981-1991). From 1992 to 1994 he was Director of the Ecosystem Studies Program and Ecology Cluster Leader of the Division of Environmental Biology at the National Science Foundation in Arlington Virginia.
As a research scientist and scholar, he became an acknowledged expert in invertebrate physiological ecology, ecological energy flow and nutrient cycling as well as ecosystem processes, modeling, and complexity. He won over 8 million dollars in research grants and awards, was an invited scientist at the Rijksinstuut for Nature Management, Texel, the Netherlands (1986-1988), and key note speaker at the European Marine Biology Symposium (1991). He published over sixty peer-reviewed articles in professional journals (1972-2012). Richard was author/editor of several books. His last publication, Ecology Of Bivalves: An Ecosystem Approach, second edition (2011) was written for current researchers and those individuals who would follow. It was an expression of his thoughts on the important work that has been done as well as to offer suggestions for future ideas in order to save the estuaries of the world and the denizens that lived therein.
His honors included being cited in several different editions of Who's Who from 1973-2007. He was the distinguished alumnus of the College of Charleston (1989), the first Kearnes Palmetto Professor (1989), President of the Southeastern Estuarine Research Association (1996-1998), and Distinguished Teacher-Scholar Lecturer at Coastal Carolina University (1999).