Stunning Images Capture Raw Brutality Of Life In Niger Delta

So Rich In Oil, Yet So Poor They Slaughter Domestic Goats For Food And Dry Their Clothes On Gas Pipeline That Carries Fuel Worth Billions: Stunning Images Capture Raw Brutality Of Life In Niger Delta -- Daily Mail

Despite billions of dollars worth of oil flowing out of Nigeria south east, as these stunning pictures show life for the majority of Niger Delta's inhabitants remains unchanged.

Most people live in modest iron-roofed shacks, and rely on farming or fishing, their only interaction with the oil industry being when they step over pipelines in the swamps - or when a spill blights their landscape.

The world's third largest wetland, the Niger Delta is diverse and rich with mangroves and fish-rich waterways. But oil drilling has also turned it into one of the most oil-polluted places on Earth.

Some two million barrels (320,000 m3) a day are now extracted in the Niger Delta but local indigenous people have seen little if any improvement in their standard of living while suffering serious damage to their natural environment.

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WNU Editor:
Another photo gallery on Nigeria's illegal oil refineries is here. Not surprisingly .... concerns that militant groups like MEND and piracy are now being voiced.

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