Sneak preview of tonight's Corrie - Wednesday 20 February

Coronation Street at 7.30pm

KYLIE HITS SELF DESTRUCT. Kylie arrives for work in a foul mood, worried about what Gail is going to tell David. When she then loses her rag with a customer, Kylie tells Nick to stick his job and heads to the pub, where despite her condition she proceeds to get drunk. Stella tries to get Kylie to stop but when she ignores her and clambers up onto a table disaster beckons!
ERIC’S ATTENTION TURNS TO EVA. When Eric overhears Stella moaning that Gloria is clearly taking him for a ride and is just after his money he’s given food for thought.
OWEN FINDS NO ESCAPE FROM TIM. Tim starts working for Jason and promises Faye he’ll pop in the café later so they can have their tea together. Faye’s delighted whilst Anna’s uneasy.
Elsewhere Katy’s thrilled when Chesney gives her some cash and tells her to go to Steph’s18th birthday party as she deserves a night out. Steve comes up with a plan to replace Mandy’s missing tortoise. Lloyd’s unimpressed but he’s forced to go along with it.

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